Yes, my actual given name is Comfort. I know, crazy! My name either shaped me or was picked perfectly for me. I think there are two ways that my name fits me. First, I love everything “comfortable” and cozy – for example, I have to change into sweatpants within the first 5 minutes of getting home from work. I’m an informal and “comfortable” person. On a more serious note, yet related, I have always pursued a life of :contented well-being without realizing it.


Second, for my whole life, I have had a desire to reach my full potential as well as help others to reach their potential (: to come alongside others with strength). This blog is hopefully a place where not only can I continue on the journey to being “comfortable” in my own skin, but also help you feel the same. Over the last few years I’ve readjusted my thinking on what being “comfortable” really means to me. I believe that we can still be comfortable with who we are and what we are doing, even if it means that life isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes this takes form of standing up for the things you believe in – justice, regeneration, love, compassion, etc. Fighting for justice, for example, is often not “comfortable” but you can still be comfortable with who you are and the direction of your life, amidst the tension around you. My hope is that by honestly sharing where I am right now, where I want to go and what I’m learning in the meantime, that we can come alongside each other in strength and pursue a life that has meaning and purpose. Thanks for joining me on this journey!

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